
Surrey County Council - Countryside Visitor Survey

Surrey County Council owns and manages over 10,000 acres of countryside. They are looking to listen and learn from visitors about how they enjoy Surrey's countryside spaces, including what they value most about their visits and how they can improve their overall experience.  

?The survey runs until?Friday 30 May 2025, and takes around 10 minutes to complete.

Co-option of a new Parish Councillor

At their meeting on 3rd September, Thursley Parish Council co-opted Mr Tom Taylor-Mathews as a Parish Councillor to replace Mr John Luff who resigned at the July Parish Council meeting.

Thursley 'Connecting our Neighbourhood'

Thursley Parish residents are invited to join up to receive direct and timely community news, updates and support.  Full details are available here:


Local Elections - Persons Nominated

Following close of nominations, it is confirmed that Thursley Parish Council was not contested. Please see a Notice of Uncontested Election along with the Statement of persons Nominated for Western Commons Borough Ward which was contested.

Thursley Parish Council Notice of Uncontested Election

Western Commons Borough Ward - Statement of Persons Nominated

Respect your Range

Please see link to a safety campaign the MOD / DIO are currently running to enhance the public’s awareness to the dangers of using the Military Training Areas when the Military are training.  It is a video which last a couple of minutes and is very informative. LINK

Know  Exactly Where / what3words

Over 80% of services in the UK now use what3words. It may be particularly relevant for people who walk/cycle/ride on the Common to have the app in case of an accident or if they see a fire.  

The app is totally free to download and use and you can download it on iOS or Android.  Further details can be found here.

Thursley Welcome Pack

Parish Council Email Privacy Notice

When handling any personal information, Thursley Parish Council will take all necessary steps to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 (as modified by the General Data Protection Regulations 2018) and relevant subordinate legislation.  When you supply any personal information to us we will meet our legal obligations to you in the way that we deal with that information. 

In accordance with the Data Protection Principles we will collect personal information fairly and to let you know how we will use it and whether we will pass the information onto anyone else. We will comply with the Principles by ensuring that all personal information supplied to us is held securely, information will be held only as long as necessary for our services and we use up to date industry procedures to keep personal data as safe and secure as possible against loss, unauthorised disclosure or access.  

The only personal data we hold is collected when users elect to provide their name and email address to us.  This information will only be used for communicating with you in relation to a matter raised by you, for the communication of Parish Council business, or such information that we deem appropriate to pass on.

The Council will regard it as normal processing to share communications internally between staff and current Parish Councillor to ensure that any issue raised is properly dealt with.

We will not pass on any personal information you have given us to anyone else including agencies or third parties.  Specific personal information may be released where we are legally required to do so.

You may have your details added or removed from the Parish Council database at any time by contacting the Clerk on 01252 703201 or via email:

Please note that the Thursley Parish Council website contains links to other external websites and contacts.  This privacy policy only applies to Thursley Parish Council, so you should always take care when you are moving to another site.  Thursley Parish Council accepts no responsibility or liability for these sites.

Hankley Common Activity

The MOD 24 Hour Ops Room which covers the whole of the South East is  01420 483405.  This is the number which you should have no hesitation using if out and about on Hankley and you encounter anything suspicious or untoward.